Meditation on "AUM" is one of the most common and religiously neutral practices. The sound "AUM" is not tied to any deity or religion; it is respected in many traditions. According to one interpretation, echoes of the mantra "AUM" have evolved into forms like "amin," "amen," and "amine" in various common religions.
The mantra "AUM" is described in almost all ancient Vedic and yogic scriptures: the Puranas, the Mahabharata, the Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, etc.
The word "mantra" is translated as 'cleansing the mind'; that is, concentration on the sound of the mantra and its pronunciation itself purifies the mind of impurities accumulated during a busy life.
"AUM" is described as the primordial sound by which the Universe was created and is present throughout its cyclical emergence, extinction, and renewal.
"AUM! The entire universe is the syllable AUM. Everything in the past, present, and future is verily AUM. And everything beyond the three forms of time is also the sound "AUM".
« Mandukya Upanishad »
By chanting this sound and concentrating on it, we attune and balance our rhythm with the primary rhythm of the Universe, entering into harmony with it, into unison.
The sound "AUM" does not have a single meaning in the manifested world. We can generalize different interpretations by saying that "AUM" means "Everything"—everything manifested and unmanifested, cause and effect simultaneously, that which transcends reality, existing both within and without. It is impossible to fully describe the meaning of the sound "AUM" in words; only through regular practice of the mantra "AUM" can one gradually approach understanding.
21st-century life is overflowing with information; most internet users develop "clip thinking" over time: short attention spans and a desire for constantly changing images and impressions.
Mantra meditation on the sound "AUM" gradually improves thinking through several components:
Altering the body's energy flow by sitting in a still position with crossed legs and pronouncing the high-vibration sound "AUM".
- “Connecting” to the energy field of the sound “AUM” itself and the energy of others practicing it at the same time, wherever they may be.
- Concentrating on the sound “AUM” deepens the immersion and merging with the eternal vibration.
We and our consciousness draw closer to the fundamental basis of all things, and therefore our lives become more blissful. The length of AUM meditation needed for a positive effect is something each person discovers individually. This duration varies for different people and on different days.
Sometimes 20 minutes is enough for full immersion and a shift in consciousness; other days may require an hour or more to achieve the same effect, but regularity and focus are more important than duration.
In the long run, it is far more effective to practice 15 minutes daily with concentration on the mantra "AUM," without distractions, than occasionally for an hour or more with constant interruptions.
Sit with a straight back and crossed legs. Ideally, sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) or Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus), but if this is not possible, a simple cross-legged position will suffice. Learn about different meditation poses and choose one that suits you.
Use prayer beads to count chanted mantras. It is advisable to move them away fr om you, not towards you. This might feel awkward at first, but you will soon find it difficult to imagine pulling the beads towards yourself.
This method fosters selflessness and altruism on a physical and subconscious level, which is integral to any self-development practice.
Beginners can use an audio recording of collective "AUM" chanting; this will yield faster progress than independent practice.
The mantra "AUM" can be chanted using four sounds: "A-O-U-M," wh ere "A" and "O" constitute about 70% of the mantra, and "U" and "M" about 30%. Longer mantras are generally more effective; ideally, chant the mantra in a single breath. Other options include a drawn-out "Aaaooummm," stretching the three sounds "A-U-M."
If the four-sound "AOUM" doesn't suit you, experiment with different variations until you find one that resonates. The first noticeable cleansing and beneficial effects usually appear within the first few weeks or months of practice; further adjustments to your practice will become clearer over time.
The effects of mantra practice are quite subtle, comparable to the butterfly effect: initially, the mantra's influence on events may be unclear, but with continued practice, its effects become apparent. You will see how practice influences events.
Consciousness before and after practice can be vastly different. This is particularly noticeable during challenging times marked by anger, resentment, or negative emotions. Practice is especially crucial during such crises, even though it may be difficult to engage in it. After chanting the mantra "AUM," you might find that resentment has vanished without a trace, or that anger, once all-consuming, has dissipated and seems foolish.
Micro-insights emerge as the body's energy shifts. One seems to transcend the situation and overwhelming emotions, gaining an outside perspective. This is almost impossible without practice; the ego usually prevails, driving actions based on immediate emotions and desires.
Ego-driven living results in dissatisfaction, as desires and ambitions can never be fully satisfied.
Dissatisfaction breeds anger and other negative emotions, leading to the accumulation of negative karma and suffering. However, you can break this cycle, for example, through AUM meditation.
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