Ancient Sutras compare this world with a shining star, a rainbow, twinkling lights and bubbles on the water. These comparisons point to the illusory nature of reality. The nature of reality is a mystery and a mirage. What does it mean to see inside a mirage? In this article, we will touch on this subtle topic — visions during meditation.

Ray of sun monastery

Why Do Visions Arise And What Do They Mean?

Like dreams, visions in meditation can be very diverse. Often these visions occur as result of impressions, imprints formed in the past: in this and past lives.

A person meditates and gradually dives deeper and deeper into himself. During this process, it is possible to "unpack" information that is significant to a person, as well as impressions that the subconscious has retained. It is "karmic trace". Visions in meditation can be a manifestation of this trace, a message that allows you to understand the reality of the present better.

Past Lives Meditation Visions

Two ways to get information exist.

  1. The first is obtaining information from external material sources, such as communication with people, books, and the Internet.
  2. The second is to receive information without material media, from the inner world. Visions during meditation can be the second method.

Brahmajala Sutta: The All-embracing Net of Views:

«In the first case some recluse or a brahmin by means of ardour, endeavour, application, diligence, and right reflection, attains very strong mental concentration. Than he recollects his numerous past lives: that is one birth, two, three, four, a hundred, a thousand, many hundreds of births. He remembers: ‘Then I had such a name, belonged to such a clan, had such an appearance; such was my food, such my experience of pleasure and pain, such my span of life. Passing away thence, I re-arose there. There too I had such a name, belonged to such a clan, had such an appearance; such was my food, such my experience of pleasure and pain, such my span of life. Passing away thence, I re-arose here.’ Thus he recollects his numerous past lives in their modes and their details».

Remembering past incarnations is not the purpose of meditation. This is a consequence of practice, which allows you to expand your understanding of the world and the path.

Confirmation of the idea of reincarnation through subtle experience in meditation can help to realize the existence of certain universal laws, one of which is the law of karma.

It is not as important what we see in material or subtle reality, as what conclusions we draw from this experience.

Visions can relate to both the past and the future. It is also worth remembering that a vision can either display one of the variants of an alternative reality, or be a plot that formed a person's subconscious mind. We should treat to any subtle experience with consideration for the possible illusory nature of all phenomena.

Meditation, sand, sun

Light Visions in Meditation

During meditation, you can see the light. This light can be the manifestation of luminous nature of the mind. As well, it means an activity of the higher energy centers.

Sri Aurobindo: «The vision of light of various shades in meditation indicates the opening of inner vision, the center of which is located between the eyebrows».

Swami Sivananda's: «Concentration and Meditation»: «During meditation, you can see a bright blinding light. This light shines so brightly that it is difficult to look at it. This light is coming from Sushumna».

Swami Sivananda also explains visions of different colors. The vision of colors is explained by the manifestation of Tanmatras, the subtle components of the primary elements. Let's list them:

  • Prithvi (earth) - yellow light.
  • Apas (water) - white light
  • Agni (fire) - red light
  • Vayu (air) - smoky light
  • Akasha (ether) - blue light

Visions of color and light appear in the mental space on the other side of the closed eyes. This space is called «Chidakasha».

This is the space of mental projection formed by the mind, which is correlated with the Ajna chakra.

There are two facets of this space:

  1. Chittakasha,
  2. Chidakasha.

There is a duality in Chittakasha: the visible and the one who sees, observes.

The term «Сhidakasha» suggests that the visible and the one who sees merge into one.

Woman meditating

Visions Of Deities

Сoncentration on the form of supreme in meditation activates the facet of personality that corresponds to the parameters of this divine form.

If a person concentrates on the image of the deity for a long time, this image may appear on the inner screen of consciousness. For some people, the emerging image may turn from flat to three-dimensional, rotating, «multidimensional». Some people enter into a dialogue with the deity. All this is part of diving deep into the subtle spheres, which can manifest themselves in very different ways.

Creating a connection with a form of enlightened energy is very valuable. This connection can support you in difficult moments of life. Focusing on the image of enlightened energy can help transform heavier energy into lighter energy.

Buddha statue

Attitude To Visions In Meditation

There are several types of attitudes:

  • giving a greater degree of importance;
  • devaluation of the degree of importance;
  • calm attitude.

The most reasonable is a calm attitude, free from pride and from devaluation of these phenomena.

Spiritual teachers usually react very calmly to students' stories of subtle experiences. Such a reaction shows that this experience does not matter much. This reaction is an antidote to an increase in the student's ego.

What to do with worries after a subtle experience? We recommend to write down the experience in a diary for analysis later, take a walk in the fresh air, work physically to land in material reality.

In Zen Buddhism, they name any visions the word «mara». Why? The form itself is only a form. To understand the essence of the phenomenon, you need to focus not on the external impression, but on the energy emanating from this phenomenon.

It is important not to seek to repeat subtle experiences. Everything happens in its own time.

One of the Sutras says «Visions arise and disappear».


If some people do not have subtle experiences, they should not worry. Perhaps the absence of such experiences is better for their activities in the world. By itself, the propensity for visions does not indicate spiritual development. It is not what people see in their visions that matters, but how they live.

Anyway, every time you practice, you are laying a brick in the spiritual foundation that will help in the future. Imagine that we incarnate in different places. Through the previously developed method, we can return to the level of practice achieved before.

That is why some techniques are effective from the first time. This is evidence of a connection. The connection with practice allows you to share it with others. So that people around you also awaken the spiritual essence inside and the world becomes better .