Ajna chakra is the sixth of seven major chakras. It is responsible for perceiving the world beyond ordinary vision. Therefore, it is also called the third eye, Divya-chakshu (divine eye), the eye of Shiva.

Ajna chakra helps to be in harmony with oneself and the world, develop intuition, get answers to inner questions, break shackles of karma, move beyond duality and reunite with the Supreme. As a nice bonus, life expectancy is increased. Fr om the article you will learn what else the sixth chakra is responsible for and what techniques can be used to develop it.

Definition and meaning of Ajna chakra

From Sanskrit the word Ajna is translated as a command or an order. In essence, Ajna chakra is a command center that controls processes at the level of subtle energies, as well as at the level of the psyche and body.

  • At the body level Ajna is connected to the pituitary gland and the pineal gland.These glands coordinate the entire endocrine system and directly influence an individual's feelings, desires, and behavior.
  • At the mental level, Ajna is associated with imagery, imagination, fantasy. Because of the connection to the epiphysis and pituitary gland, body can behave as if everything imagined is actually happening. So, for example, when watching a horror movie, there is a release of adrenaline. But meditation promotes the production of serotonin (a hormone of joy) and melatonin (this hormone attunes people to the rhythms of nature and prolongs life)2. That's why it's so important what a person immerses in their inner world and what they're thinking about.
  • At the energy level, Ajna represents the very gateway through which one can transcend duality and ego and experience samadhi. Thanks to the sixth chakra it becomes possible to send and receive telepathic messages in the form of thought-forms, connection between a student and a Guru, as well as the connection with the inner Guru (Higher Self). That's why it's also called guru-chakra.

Location of the Ajna

There is a popular myth that Ajna chakra is located in the inter eyebrows area. That's not quite true. The inter eyebrows center i.e., or Bhrumadhya is just in front of the Ajna chakra and is connected to it by the Maha-nadi channel. The chakra itself is located at the top of the spine, in the area of the pineal gland (epiphysis). Together, these two centers can be considered a single entity. And since the point between the eyebrows is much easier to influence, it is actively used in yogic practices to awaken the Ajna chakra.

Characteristics and image of Ajna-chakra

Color: blue, indigo.
Element: light.
Guna: sattva.
Age: 36-42 years old.
Note: la.
Bija-mantra: Om.
World: formless world (causal world).
Quality: Intuitive knowing, seeing, pushing through the reality.
Location: epiphysis.
Sensory organ: eyes.

The sixth chakra yantra

An image of a chakra used for contemplation is called yantra. The yantra for the sixth chakra is the lotus flower of indigo color, with two petals resembling the shape of eyes.

Each element of the yantra has a special meaning:

  • The two petals symbolize duality: moon and sun, Ida and Pingala. When one clears these two channels through yoga and internal practices, the energy rises through the main channel, the Sushumna, opening the door to subtle experiences.
  • The petals are written on the mantras Ham and Ksham, the primal sounds representing Shiva and Shakti (consciousness and energy).
  • In the middle of the lotus is a circle, it means the world itself in human perception.
  • Inside the circle is an inverted triangle, it means the creative origin of Shakti.
  • Within the triangle as a symbol of creativity the Lingam of Shiva is sometimes depicted as well as that of Muladhara.
  • The symbol of Om is also depicted inside the triangle. It is the bija-mantra of the Ajna-chakra. It symbolizes the supreme consciousness, the Atman.

What Ajna chakra is responsible for

Physiological aspect

At the body level Ajna chakra is connected to two glands: the pituitary gland and the epiphysis (pineal gland).

Epiphysis is our body's biological clock. René Descartes has written in his writings that the epiphysis is the receptacle of the soul and the place wh ere all things perceived by the senses come together. Modern science confirms the importance of the epiphysis.

Its main functions are:

  • Maintaining circadian rhythm and biological clock: epiphysis regulates the processes of sleep and deep rest, it is responsible for adaptation of body to the seasons changing.
  • Antioxidant effect: protects DNA fr om free radical damage, reduces risk of malignant neoplasms34.
  • Immunomodulatory action: Improves immunity by affecting the production of lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes.
  • Maintaining hormonal balance: affects the activity of endocrine system, stimulates production of hormones, affects thermoregulation.
  • Slowing down the aging processes: Increased longevity due to antioxidant effect and effect on telomeres56.

The second gland that ajna is associated with is the pituitary gland. It produces hormones that coordinate the functions of all other glands of internal secretion and directly affects:

  • metabolism (protein, lipid, carbohydrate);
  • reproductive function;
  • growth and regeneration of organs and tissues;
  • mood and stress resistance.

The teamwork of the epiphysis and pituitary gland helps to maintain health at the body and mental level. The hormonal cocktail produced determines arising emotions, thoughts, and desires that.

Energy aspect

On a more subtle level Ajna is the energy center wh ere three channels: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna merge together. It's also called Trikuti, i.e. the cluster of three.

With the help of ajna it is possible to transfer prana to any point of the body. Therefore, it plays a major role in the technique of prana-vidya, which is the yogic science of controlling vital energy.

In addition, the following phenomena are observed during the development of the sixth chakra:

  • Concentration, memory, and mental abilities improve significantly.
  • Sankalpa-shakti (power of intention) increases: everything conceived is easily realized.
  • Siddhis (supernatural abilities) arise: clairvoyance, clairaudience.
  • According to the Shiva Samhita, concentration on Ajna destroys all the karma of past lives 7.
  • Gaining a connection with the inner Guru, i.e. one's Higher Self.
  • Intuition enhances.
  • Wisdom is revealed: answers to inner questions come by themselves, and emerging signs and messages fr om above are correctly interpreted.
  • The Rudra-granthi gets untied and access to the crown chakra (Sahasrara) is unleashed.

Importance of ajna in dying

There is a saying in India: “Kashyam maranam mukti”, i.e. “Death in Varanasi is liberation”. And a lot of people take it literally. However, Varanasi is wh ere the eyebrows and nose come together.

In the yogic sense, to reach Varanasi means to raise the Kundalini along the Sushumna up to the Ajna chakra. This is how liberation is achieved8.

Importance of concentration on Ajna in the dying process is emphasized in the Bhagavad-gita as well 9:

“The one who at the moment of death
By power of their yoga
With love and devotion
Directs life force
To the point between the eyebrows —
The one, having left the body,
finds himself in the realm of God!”

How the healthy chakra works

The Ajna balanced gives a person with the following qualities:

  • Developed intuition.
  • Wisdom and clarity of perception.
  • Desire for creativity.
  • Good imagination.
  • Ability to visualize and bring projects to life.
  • Sensitivity to subtle energies.
  • Ability for self-analysis.
  • Developed flexible mindset.
  • High concentration in meditation.
  • The ability to see past lives and to have other subtle experiences.

A person with an open Ajna raises his consciousness above emotions and desires. One perceives all events as a necessary lesson to be drawn the right conclusions. The entire universe manifested is perceived by him as an inner teacher. And life tests and difficulties on the way cause in him only joy of learning new things and lead to further spiritual development.

Imbalance and signs of sixth chakra blockage

When the sixth chakra is imbalanced, a person experiences suffering himself and brings suffering to others.

Signs of Ajna chakra blockage:

  • An overly rationalistic perception of the world around.
  • Getting stuck in problems, feeling hopeless.
  • Wandering in a world of fantasy and reverie.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • A sense of meaninglessness of existence.
  • Inability to distinguish truth from lies.
  • Constant self-dissatisfaction.
  • Conservatism.
  • Learning disability.
  • Concentration problems.
  • Negative beliefs, pessimism.
  • Unresponsibility.
  • Weakness of will.
  • Apathy and depression.

At the body level, insufficient work of the sixth center causes headaches, pathologies of the brain, eyes, various hormonal disorders.

Meditations and practices for opening the Ajna chakra

Trikuti sandhanam - search for trikuti

  1. Sit in a comfortable asana with a straight back and crossed legs. It can also be performed in shavasana, but try not to fall asleep.
  2. Try to feel the rhythmic beating of your pulse at the point between your eyebrows. The pulsation may be indistinguishable at first, but over time it will be easier to feel. Keep your attention on the pulsation for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Then mentally connect bija-mantra Om to each pulse beat in the eyebrows center: ”AUM, AUM, AUM...”.
  4. Concentrate on the continuous vibration of the mantra.
  5. Keep practicing for as long as you can. It can be performed at any time of day, on the road or at work. Using this technique increases sensitivity to Bhrumadhya.

Shambhavi-mudra, or Bhrumadhya-drishti (eyebrow gazing)

Direct your gaze between your eyebrows. Reflect on your true nature. This Shambhavi-mudra is the greatest secret of tantric practices.

  1. Sit in a comfortable asana with a straight back and crossed legs.

  2. Close your eyes. Point your face slightly upward. Completely relax your facial muscles.

  3. Without moving your head or opening your eyes, lift your gaze upward and concentrate mentally on the point between your eyebrows.

    Important: It is not necessary to squint your eyes, just raise your eyes upwards and focus your attention on Bhrumadhya. As with sleeping, rolling the eyes upward prevents light from reaching the retina. Due to the retina's ganglionic connection to the pineal gland, the absence of light activates the epiphysis and meditation becomes deeper.

  4. Observe the natural flow of the breath keeping your concentration unstressed on Bhrumadhya.


You can read more about the technique here, however, there are some important practical tips on how to sensitize both Ajna chakra and Bhrumadhya at the same time with the help of trataka.

  • The best object to influence Ajna would be a candle.
  • Try to feel as if you are looking at a candle or any other object of concentration not with your eyes, but with your eyebrows center.
  • Synchronize your breathing with Ajna chakra and Bhrumadhya. Breathing in through the eyebrows center. Observe how prana moves through Maha-nadi to Ajna. With an exhalation, the breath rushes from Ajna chakra back to the eyebrows center.

Other ways to develop the sixth chakra may include contemplating a Yantra (image) of Ajna, meditation in the dark, dark retreats, yoga (especially balance asanas).


Awakening the Ajna endows one with wisdom and awareness. With their help you can get rid of the suffering and pain of this manifested world: realization is achieved that problems do not exist, any events are perceived calmly as a divine lessons.

With developed Ajna one learns to trust one's inner voice. one becomes a self-sufficient, fulfilled and happy person, finding harmony within himself and with the whole world. Despite the importance of the Ajna chakra, spiritual development does not end there. Having developed consciousness to its level, man faces a ramification on the way: either to stay at the level of highly developed intellect and intuition, succumbing to the periodic influence of the lower chakras and ego, or to direct it even higher to the crown chakra, to the Absolute, consciously accumulating energy.