Anahata is the chakra that weakens a person's false ego. It serves as a bridge between the upper and lower energy centers, unites material and spiritual. At the level of the three lower chakras a person lives in the paradigm that he is a ruler of the world and the world revolves around his desires. Therefore, the transition of consciousness from the first chakra (muladhara) to the second (svadhisthana) and the third (manipura) occurs imperceptibly. In the case of the fourth chakra (anahata) the transition feels like a huge leap. Because the vibration frequency of anahata is significantly different from the previous three chakras.

Anahata Chakra image

Transition to this level occurs through crises, reassessment of values, restructuring of worldview. Overcoming difficulties, a person begins to realize that there is something higher and stronger than themselves in the world.

At anahata level the highest form of loveunconditional love - is manifested, that starts with total self-acceptance. Empathy, responsiveness, and an underlying joy for life are born. Having accepted his own imperfection, a man has compassion for all living beings as imperfect as himself.

In anahata the soul resides, from here the supreme absolute reality is cognized.

"Anahata" means “unborn sound”. When the energy rises to this level, the sound of flute is heard - the vibration of eternal "Om".

Other names for the chakra:

  • "Hrit-padma",
  • "The Throne of Consciousness",
  • "Celestial Axis,"
  • "The Ever-Sounding Drum,"
  • "Hridaya chakra,"
  • "The seat of the soul,"
  • "Undefeated, unbroken, unaffected, unburned (by worldly passions)".

What is the fourth chakra responsible for

According to a version, anahata includes an additional chakra called "Kalpavriksha", i.e. heavenly wish-fulfilling tree. The chakra fulfills personal desires, but begins to act only after full awakening of anahata, closing personal needs of a person who is driven by altruistic motives.

On the physical plane, anahata is responsible for:

  • heart,
  • blood system,
  • lungs,
  • immunity,
  • thymus,
  • upper back,
  • skin,
  • palms.
Green color and twelve-petal mandala of Anahata Chakra

Symbol and characteristics of anahata chakra

Symbol is lotus with 12 petals. In the center there is a hexagon of smoky color formed by two triangles. The first triangle with an apex upwards symbolizes matter i.e., lower nature, feminine nature.

The second triangle with an apex downwards symbolizes fire, spirituality, the higher nature of man, masculine nature.

Together, the two triangles symbolize the unity of opposites. And it also means the famous principle: as above, so below. The twelve petals of anahata signify the energies that radiate from the heart center:

  1. joy,
  2. peace,
  3. harmony,
  4. love,
  5. bliss,
  6. purity,
  7. clarity,
  8. mutual understanding,
  9. compassion,
  10. forgiveness,
  11. patience,
  12. kindness.

Every petal is associated with its energy channel and manifests vritti (propensities) such as:

  • Greed, lust (lobha) - connection with gallbladder channel.
  • Deception, fraud (moha) - connection with liver channel.
  • Indecision (anutapa) - connection with the lung channel.
  • Regret, remorse, uncertainty (pashchat-tapa) - connection to colon channel.
  • Hope (asha) - connection with stomach channel.
  • Anger, impatience (chinta) - connection with pancreatic channel.
  • Slowness, laziness, melancholy (vikalata) - connection with heart channel.
  • Indifference (anasakti) - connection with small intestine channel.
  • Ignorance, arrogance (dambha) - connection with bladder channel.
  • Lack of harmony, suffering (dukkha) - connection with kidney channel.
  • Separation, partiality, discrimination (kapatala) - connection with heart channel.
  • Daring, cockiness, stubbornness, pride (cheshta) - connection with channel of three heaters (chinese medicine).

Animal symbols:a black antelope or a gazelle (Vayu's animal) or birds.
Guna: rajas.
Element: air.
An octave sound:fa.
Perceptive organ:hands.

Where is anahata chakra

In physical body the fourth chakra is located in the center of chest, at the level of heart or in thoracic spine, in the area of the 3-4th thoracic vertebrae, 4 fingers above the end of ensisternum.

Location in subtle energy body: in the middle of chakral column. In Chinese tradition it corresponds to the middle dantian. It looks like an energy ball about 6 centimeters in size. It is connected with the central energy channel (sushumna) and rotates like a funnel clockwise. Healthy anahata is forward-facing, its energy is projected horizontally.

Developed anahata chakra

Harmonious anahata manifests itself as:

  • compassion,
  • tenderness and meekness,
  • unconditionality,
  • a sense of gratitude, strengths,
  • subtle sense of reality,
  • ability to make dreams come true,
  • true happiness, independent of external factors.

Elaborate heart chakra gives you:

  • Gaining power over the self, inner strength, control of feelings.
  • Balance of masculine and feminine energy, unity of mind and heart.
  • Intention translates into action.
  • Unleashing creative potential.
  • Openness to the world.
  • Wisdom, kindness, patience and forgiveness.
  • Advanced intuition and healing abilities.
Girl is creating a painting. One of the positive qualities of Anahata Chakra is to unlock creativity

What the 4th chakra is responsible for in men

  • need to be loved,
  • need for social acceptance,
  • striving to improve the world around.

Men with developed anahata are able to unite people around them and bear responsibility. They are a source of encouragement to many as people feel calm in their presence. They are good family men, managers, bosses, successful entrepreneurs.

Such men being driven by inner strength are independent, faithful to their choice, easily overcome external constraints. They are unaware of inner conflict and are confident, even when they show weakness.

What the heart chakra is responsible for in women

  1. ministration,
  2. creativity,
  3. love.

Healthy fourth energy center gives a woman:

  • Ability to bring harmony to everything she comes in contact with.
  • Confidence in her choices, in her husband, in her ancestors, in everything she does.
  • Unconditional love, an ability to forgive a partner's shortcomings.
  • A sense of mission, no pretensions to a man's place.

Causes of anahata chakra disharmony

Mechanism of heart chakra closure:

  1. Resentment towards parents.

    Relationships with father and mother, as well as parents' own qualities within an individual affect their sense of contentment, their ability to experience the world within.

    If there is an inner conflict caused by a difficult relationships with parents, then later life will be filled with incertitude, failed relationships, and an inability to live out emotions.

  2. Humans are "woven" from their father and mother. Their lack of acceptance, resentment towards their parents triggers a process of self-destruction. The process begins with an inner prohibition on the free expression of feelings. One who is offended disconnects from feelings, abstracts himself from that part of himself and in a sense "dies", "freezes".

    If a person is not in touch with their feelings, when faced with a negative situation they do not let themselves live it out. Shutting out from pain, one keeps emotion inside. Grief, apathy, depression are born. The meaning of life is lost.

  3. A person who is at odds with their parents, unaware of their feelings, seeks a relationship wh ere pain and disappointment await them. Unconsciously, of course. It's always a dependent relationship. Being in "deficit", one tries to find meaning in life externally, to fill the void with someone. This is wh ere the painful desire to marry or get married, to have a child, is born.

    There's always disappointment. Unhappy love, broken hearts.

    Because of unsuccessful experience of relationships, painful experiences, eventually a person refuses to accept and give love, becomes cold and detached. Heart closes down.

  4. The prohibition of feelings expression, coldness of heart, state of grief, apathy deprive the person of the desire for life. He wants nothing, nothing pleases him, and if desires arise, there is no inner permission for their realization. Everything seems impossible and unachievable. So there is a mechanism of complete suppression of desires.
  5. Because of fear of a new experience, which can be painful, and because of the lack of striving for something, a person closes down and stays alone with a feeling of total emptiness and loneliness. One doesn't feel his value, and that he/she is needed by the society, by their family. One feels lonely, even when there's a crowd around.

The root cause of anahata problems ispride and a "I want nothing from you" attitude towards parents. But the feeling of longing for unconditional love remains. A person goes into false compensation through more consumption, overeating, lots of relationships and contacts.

How chakra imbalance manifests itself

Unbalanced anahata aspect is to be afraid to give. If the heart center is not open, you cannot be compassionate. When this center is out of balance, you give to someone who doesn't deserve it and share with someone who doesn't need it.

Yogi Bhajan
  1. If functioning of anahata chakra is disturbed, it is manifested by frequent colds, diseases of heart, respiratory system, blood vessels, insomnia, chronic fatigue.
  2. Envy, irritability, anger, intolerance to other people's opinion, pride, egoism, deceitfulness manifest themselves.
  3. A person becomes uncommunicative, stale, distrustful, prone to sentimentality, excessive immersion in other people's problems.
  4. One constantly compares himself with others and realizes himself worse than others.

Anahata chakra imbalance in men

  • There is no desire for career advancement or social recognition.
  • There is no strength for external activities, there is fixation on one's own problems.
  • Denial of relationships with women, or replacing them with sexual contacts.
  • Infidelity; a man cheats while being jealous at the same time.
  • Fear of rejection, so feelings are rarely expressed.

Anahata chakra imbalance in women

A woman with an imbalance in anahata

  • No creativity, things are done automatically because they "have to be done".
  • One is withdrawn into herself, does not transmit energy of love to loved ones.
  • Does not show her feelings or vice versa: imposes, regardless of whether or not people need her care.
  • Judgmental, hysterical, grumpy.
  • Self-esteem is low, dissatisfied with appearance, unable to adequately assess her abilities.
One of the causes of Anahata chakra disharmony is conflict with parents

How to bring harmony back into anahata

To open the anahata chakra it is necessary to consciously realize that everything a person has today was created by him/herself in previous incarnations . Family, environment, material wealth, appearance are all conditioned by past actions. So there's no point in holding offence against parents or anyone else.

  • It is necessary to change one's attitude toward the world, to cultivate gratitude for what is already there.
  • It is necessary to be honest with oneself and others, to strive to maintain moral principles ( yama-niyama).
  • It is necessary to respect parents, to keep relationship with them pure, regardless of circumstances, to behave with dignity with own children.
  • It is necessary to communicate with bright, moral people and learn from their experience.

How to open the anahata chakra

  1. It is important to practice hatha yoga regularly (two to three times a week) and perform asanas:

    • Pranamasana,
    • Bhujangasana,
    • Dhanurasana,
    • Navasana,
    • Chakrasana,
    • Halasana.
  2. You should practice pranayama, especially full yogic breathing.
  3. Recite the mantra for the heart chakra - YAM.
Chakrasana is the asana for Anahata chakra opening

Meditation for anahata chakra

Development of the 4th chakra is achieved through nurturing states of mind called "brahmavihara" i.e., "majestic abiding".

These include:

  • Metta (friendliness, loving kindness) is respectful benevolence, acceptance of others.
  • Karuna (compassion) is sincere sympathy, effective intention to reduce suffering of living beings.
  • Mudita (rejoicing) is an ability to rejoice in the success of others.
  • Upekha (equal treatment) is unbiasedness.

These qualities of pure love were urged to be developed by Patanjali:

Friendly to the happy, compassionate to the unhappy, honoring the virtuous and not censuring the vicious, such a mind is in equanimous tranquility.

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

These same virtues are mentioned in the Buddha's Teachings and Christian texts ("Love your neighbor as yourself"), in the Upanishads, and in Jaina literature.

Love is the most beautiful and powerful feeling. If you develop love, it will mean returning and realization of self. Then love will be everything. And that will mean love coming straight from the heart. And love will be as deep as the ocean of love. There will be no boundaries, no limits. And it won't matter what caste a person belongs to, what color his skin is. Because that will be true love. When you know the feeling of true Love, this will be called realization or samadhi. And it happens inside.

Pilot Baba