The Muladhara is the first chakra of human subtle body, it is similar to roots of a tree. Just as roots connect a tree to soil, the Muladhara is the area of connection with the physical world.
“Mula” — means root in Sanskrit.
”Dhara — means foundation, basis.
Just as there are seven musical notes, there are seven chakras which correspond to a certain vibration (frequency).
Greater speed and vibration correlate with higher centers and worlds.
Lower speed and higher density correlate with lower centers and worlds.
The central energetic axis of body can be visualized as a flute, which has both side holes and two main holes which prana flows through. Muladhara-chakra is the lower center, similar to the lower hole, sahasrara-chakra is the higher center, similar to the higher hole.
Muladhara is located near the coccygeal plexus under the sacrum. And its Kshetra i.e., center point is located between the perineum and the coccyx or the pelvic bone. The first three vertebrae in the spine correspond with this center too.
Muladhara is the place fr om which three main energy channels: ida, pingala and sushumna spring from. Please read more about the main three channels in the article "Energy Channels: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna".
In Sanskrit this chakra is called
”Yukta Triveni”. ”Yukta” means connection,
”Triveni“ means three flows. Going upward, these three channels join again in Ajna chakra, which is called
«mukta-triveni». “Mukta” means release, “Triveni” — three flows. So all the centers up to Ajna correlate with the earthly elements, the level of Ajna and above is subtler than them.
Primary elements to which chakras are correlated:
- Muladhara - earth,
- Svadhishthana - water,
- Manipura - fire,
- Anahata - wind,
- Vishuddha - space or ether,
- Ajna - consciousness,
- Sahasrara – the highest spirit.
Earth is the densest of the elements listed. It is the basis.
In a physical body, the earth element exists as everything that is most solid: bones, teeth, material body.
- health;
- basic instincts of self-preservation;
- sense of safety;
- basic needs and strength of physical body;
- firmness, an ability to act in the material world.
Bija-mantra for Muladhara chakra and earth element is LAM. Depending on how exactly you pronounce the mantra, it will have slightly different effects. The level of Muladhara corresponds to pronunciation in a lower voice, similar to the sounds of bass instruments.
According to ancient beliefs, during reincarnation a soul can leave a body through the top, intermediate or bottom areas. The exit through the bottom is the most unfavorable, since it leads to worlds that are more dense and dull.
That is why meditation practices that recommend long-term concentration only on muladhara are not logical from this point of view. Since according to the idea “where attention is, there is energy”, these practices direct motion of vital energy predominantly downwards. While the main task is to learn to direct it upwards.
Imagine a winter forest with high layer of snow. And among this snow there is a trodden path. If one walk through deep untouched snow, the movement will be slower than if you walk along an existing path. In a similar way, energy in subtle body moves wh ere “the flow of vigor is freer” i.e., along the route that has already been active sometimes before.
That is why regularity is needed for results in directing energy through practice.
The more often you make practice, the better. It can be noted that for this reason in yoga practices people remain with their legs crossed that is how the downward flow is turned upward. This creates an upward vector for the vigor.
Just as trees in their process of growth aim towards the sky and source of light, a person engaged in spiritual practice directs energy upward i.e., from Earth to the sky.
For more information on this topic please read the article about prana.
Yoga practice in nature
Conscious thinking.
Each element contains a subtle component, the ether i.e., information content that is related to thoughts. By purifying thinking, by purifying the ether, you also purify the level of matter, the level of earth. Spiritual practices, for example meditation, promote clarity of thinking.
Muladhara Chakra Yoga Poses:
- Tadasana,
- Sukhasana,
- Balasana,
- Malasana,
- Uttanasana,
- Prasarita Padottanasana.
In addition to exercises for harmonization of muladhara, a practice that involves body in a comprehensive manner is beneficial. Every area of the body and every energy center are interconnected with all the others.
- Coordination of the elements through mantras for each chakra.
- Balanced diet.
- Regular being in nature.
- Physical labor.
- Direct contact with the earth whenever possible: caring for plant kingdom, walking barefoot for twenty minutes or more on the surface of Earth. For the most positive effect to take place, one should not walk on grass, but on ground itself.
Understanding that particular manifestation of the earth element as a human body is a manifestation of the Earth as a whole.
One of the methods of focusing on the earth element is earth kasina.
Scriptures on this subject say that a person should meditate on a sensation of the earth until he begins to perceive the entire body of the planet as his own.
It is beneficial to find and implement ways in which you can help create harmony on the Earth. In context of the earth element, these includes: simple everyday habits (separate waste collection; if necessary, transporting used forms of matter to recycling points, minimizing the use of plastic), and also participation in educational activities, aimed at improving the space. Some people put resources into projects to protect forests, close zoos and animal exploitation zones. Anyway, everything is beneficial that contributes to development of the society promoting friendly, but not consumerist, relations with nature.