The experience of sahasrara-chakra opening is not so well understood to be discussed in univocal terms. There are only short references in some sources reporting that sahasrara is the last, highest point on the path to enlightenment. Having been activated, this center stops unrest of mind, gives contact with absolute tranquility state. In different cultures, such an experience is called differently: self-realization, nirvana, moksha, the second birth, Kingdom of Heaven.
Sahasrara is the seventh, highest chakra
Any description of sahasrara is an attempt to express the inexpressible concept. Everything said about it is wrong, because by saying something, restrictions and categories are immediately introduced. Nevertheless, that is not the point you should bypass the seventh chakra when studying them.
The article gives an overview of sahasrara i.e., possibilities it manifests when it is harmonious and how its imbalance is expressed. It discusses what sahasrara is responsible for and provides ways to balance the chakra.
In Sanskrit, sahasrara means thousand-spoked. This energy center is often described as a thousand petals lotus flower. The petals correspond to one thousand nerve endings in the top of head, where sahasrara chakra is located.
Its development is accompanied by another specific feature. At first, it is an immersion in etheric body like the other chakras are, because divine power flows in through it from the outside, as through other chakras. Further, when a person begins to realize himself as a lord of divine light inside and begins to pour grace on everything around him, this chakra begins to self-transform. Turning from inside to outside, it becomes no longer a channel of perception, but a center of radiation. Now it's no longer a hollow, but a bulge, like a dome on one's head.
Charles Ledbetter
The seventh chakra shines with all the colors of the rainbow, but its predominant colors are purple, white, and gold.
Sahasrara has no element of its own, but its energy resonates with the primary elements of all other energy centers.
Mantra of sahasrara: Om.
Other names: parietal chakra, brahmarandhra i.e., orifice (antrum) of Brahma.
Sahasrara chakra is depicted as a luminous thousand white petals lotus slightly tinted with light from the rising sun. In the center of the flower there is the full moon containing a triangle sparkling like a lightning. The lotus petals have all the letters of Sanskrit alphabet and the Om syllable written on them.
The moon exudes amrita, and the triangle conceals the Great void or Bindu i.e., the root of liberation.
Swami Purnananda "Shat Chakra Nirupana."
The parietal chakra is located at the top of head, centered at or just above the anterior fontanelle, outside physical body.
Sahasrara chakra is depicted as a luminous thousand-petaled lotus
The seventh chakra performs the same functions, regardless of gender. This is due to the fact that by activating sahasrara, a person goes beyond duality.
The parietal chakra determines “karmic settings”: a person’s character, talents, strength of immunity, predisposition to diseases.
On the physical level sahasrara is responsible for:
- brain function, including intelligence, concentration, memory;
- immune system;
- stress resistance;
- body's ability to regulate phases of sleep and wakefulness;
- life expectancy.
Personal manifestations which sahasrara is responsible for:
- Striving for self-knowledge.
- Inner freedom and self-realization.
- Spirituality not tied to religion.
At the level of parietal chakra comes an understanding of the world beyond grasp of mind. It is even higher than intuitive perception.
Fully activated sahasrara gives an ability to control time and space and to manifest supernatural powers:
- Changing of body size.
- Changing of body weight.
- Moving in space.
- Materialization of any object by thought power.
Harmonious sahasrara manifests as a natural desire for happiness and freedom from unhappiness, both for oneself and others.
- Feeling of unity with the Universe, trust in it.
- Feeling unique and important to the world.
- Self-acceptance, self-love.
- General feeling of well-being, independent of external factors.
- Recognizing freedom of choice.
- Unconditional love for the world.
- Energy fullness.
- Seeing the meaning of what is happening, accepting of it.
- Understanding the meaning of one's life, fulfilling one's mission.
Characteristics of a person:
- Attractive personality.
- Ease of success.
- Inner calm.
- An ability to manage emotions and understand reasons for their occurrence.
- Respect for spiritual choices of others.
- Compliance, adoration of infinity, a sense of humility.
- Modesty, patience, endurance.
- An ability not to change vows and follow the chosen path.
Power of the chakras does not reside in themselves, but in sahasrara, therefore disharmony of the seventh chakra leads to disharmony of the remaining ones:
- At the level of ajna, a person gets into extremes;
- shows aggression at the vishuddhi level;
- at the anahata level, one does not feel trust and love for himself and for people;
- at the manipura level, shows hypocrisy, acts immorally or illegally;
- at the level of svadhishthana, shows selfishness;
- at the muladhara level there is no stability and confidence, a person simply survives.
Signs of blocked sahasrara on the physical plane
- Brain diseases.
- Mental retardation.
- Headache.
- Nervous system diseases.
- High blood pressure.
- Increased sensitivity, tearfulness.
- Impaired coordination.
- Overexertion, chronic fatigue.
- Distraction.
Signs of the seventh chakra blockage at the behavioral level
- Conservatism.
- Excessive piety.
- Fears (especially fear of death).
- Psychoses.
- Depression.
- Indecisiveness.
- Feeling sorry for oneself.
- Lack of meaning in life, lack of understanding of destination.
- Feeling depressed and total loneliness.
- Living in one’s own made-up unreal world.
- Discord with the inner self, dissatisfaction with life.
- Lack of discipline.
- Not taking responsibility for what is happening.
Signs of hyperactive sahasrara
- Excessive intellectuality.
- Lack of empathy.
- Discomfort in the head area (dizziness, pressure or tightness).
- Confusion, doubts.
- Light sensitivity.
- Feeling of superiority towards others, cruelty.
- Tendency to judge and criticize.
- Selfishness.
- Lack of faith in Higher Mind, denial of everything paranormal.
- Lack of unity feeling, of belonging to smth / smb.
To check the state of sahasrara, try asking yourself the following questions:
- Do I feel unity with all living beings?
- What is my level of basic trust in the world?
- Can I be grateful for what I have?
- Am I open to the Higher Will?
- What place does spiritual practice occupy in my life?
- How do I feel about spiritual views that differ from mine?
- How many things in life do I try to control?
The answer to these questions is not in words, but in what sensations arise, what energy is behind these answers.
The reasons for imbalance of sahasrara can be:
- Strong attachment to earthly and material things.
- Absence of spiritual practice.
- Injuries and surgeries.
- Excessive mental stress.
- Reluctance to develop talents and abilities.
Meditation is the pursuit of self-discovery.
Development of sahasrara occurs exclusively through spiritual evolution. It is necessary to bring into life the energy of the six lower centers. If the energy of sahasrara is too much in relation to energies of the other chakras, then a person will be divorced from reality and will be in the clouds. When energy of the parietal chakra is not enough, one becomes hostage to materialistic views. It is important both to be a practitioner and to be in the world.
How to develop (open) sahasrara
It is interesting the chakra sometimes opens temporarily during times of great shock and misfortune. This happens because in such situations a person becomes humble, ready to surrender to the will of fate.
Recommendations for developing sahasrara:
- Self-discipline, balance in all areas of life, keeping vows.
- Giving up greed, anger, disgust, hatred, craving, envy, fear.
- Altruistic activity.
- Development of talents and abilities.
- Regular practice of (dry) fasting. Twice a month is enough, on the 11th day after the full and new moon.
- Clean plant-based nutrition.
- Sleeping and wakefulness in accordance with the rhythms of nature.
- Hatha yoga practice. Inverted poses stimulate the seventh chakra.
- Mauna (practice of silence).
- Mantra "Om".
- Avoid overcooling and overheating of head. Wear headgear that stabilizes skull bones and protects the parietal chakra area.
- A necessary means for full activation of sahasrara is meditation. Without the experience of dhyanas it is impossible to achieve enlightenment.
- Reverence for a Guru, humility, the ability to surrender to will of Higher powers.