Svadhishthana is the only chakra about which there are so many controversial opinions. Some schools call her evil, an embodiment of the animal nature. On the contrary, other currents cultivate the idea of the primacy of svadhishthana chakra and call for its active discovery.
While the truth is somewhere in the middle. There are no superfluous organs in a physical body. In subtle bodies, all the elements are in their places too.
In essence, svadhishthana is a “generator”. This is where the vigor that fills whole body originates. Svadhishthana translates as the abode of "I'', the seat of vigor accumulation.
Other names for svadhishthana are: “orange”, “the second”, “jala-mandala” (sacred circle of water), “core of Veles”. In Japanese it is called “hara” – “the center of life”, which correlates with the physical body center of gravity.
Detailed descriptions of chakras are not found in ancient sources. If it is given, it is in a veiled form. In the text “Shat-Chakra-Nirupana” svadhishthana is described as follows:
And here is a lotus of beautiful scarlet color, located in the sushumna, at the base of genitals. On its petals there are letters fr om Ba to La with a dot above them in a shining color of lightning. Inside there is a shining-white area of water in the shape of a moon sickle with bija-mantra VAM in it sitting on a crocodile, untainted and white as an autumn moon.
But even in this abstract description, specific images of svadhishthana are visible: crocodile and water.
Crocodile symbolizes lust, which grabs a person with “tenacious teeth”. In power of desires, a person avoids negative experiences, but constantly seeks pleasure.
Water, soft and formless, getting out of control, turns into a stormy stream, washing away everything in its path. Just like lust, to begin with a slight craving for an object of feelings, turns into a flood if you indulge your desires.
Svadhisthana-chakra is water.
Image: a lotus with six petals and a shiny silver crescent inside.
Each of the petals represents kleshas (misconceptions):
- Avagya - belittling others, envy, jealousy, contempt.
- Murchcha - mental stupor, lack of common sense, dogmatism, reluctance to think.
- Prashraya - indulging in weaknesses, addictions.
- Avishvasa - lack of confidence.
- Sarvanasha - fears, frightening thoughts of imminent death.
- Krurata - rudeness, lack of tact, cruelty, inability to sense other people feelings.
The colour of vigor: orange.
Shell: pranamaya-kosha.
Guna: tamas.
Element: water.
The mantra of svadhishthana: VAM.
Animal: crocodile.
Octave sound: note D.
Organ of perception: tongue.
The second chakra is located between the basis of the body (tailbone region) and the navel area. However, there is no consensus on its exact location.
It is said to be located three fingers below navel, others say it is at the pubic bone area. There is a version that svadhishthana is nearly adjacent to muladhara chakra/
Probably, its location is slightly different due to anatomical features of men. One can explore exact svadhishthana’s location independently if they develop subtle perception through spiritual practice.
Let's take a closer look at what svadhishthana is responsible for.
This is the receptacle of subconscious mind, wh ere impressions and life experiences are stored, starting fr om prenatal development. This center stores information about life, culture, history of one’s ancestry.
The second chakra is responsible for self-respect, helps to express oneself, to accept life with all its inherent sufferings. It is necessary for communication with people and for creativity.
Vigor of svadhishthana is also associated with emotions arising from feelings for opposite sex. Therefore, it is also called the “sexual chakra” and the “gender chakra.”
In trying to interpret qualities of the second chakra, many researchers get stuck only on this definition and reduce the whole meaning of life to a hunt for pleasure. But the vigor of svadhishthana is a colossal force. The task of a man is to learn to curb animal instincts, using vigor for creation.
Svadhishthana is responsible for:
- Metabolism, waste removal, rejuvenation.
- Sympathetic nervous system.
- Endocrine functions.
- Pelvic organs, genitals.
- All fluids in a body.
- Maintaining body temperature.
- Digestion.
- Sexual potency.
- Childbearing function.
Failures in operation of svadhishthana cause the following disorders:
- Diseases of genitourinary system.
- Sexual problems.
- Allergies.
- Muscle strains, spasms.
- Lower back pain.
- Indigestion.
- Infertility.
- Difficulties in childbirth.
Asanas for svadhisthana-chakra workout
A person with healthy svadhishthana is self-sufficient, empathic and cheerful. He is ready to share energy, easily builds relationships with people, his life is filled with creativity.
Such a person is flexible, acts in accordance with circumstances, regardless of momentary desires and laziness. He is always attentive to all living beings, takes into account feelings of other people and tries to understand them.
Honesty is another quality of harmonious svadhishthana. After all, honesty is a consequence of internal freedom from fear, guilt and resentments.
People with a balanced second chakra cannot be controlled. They are not susceptible to manipulation and act in accordance with their internal code of honor.
Such people respect mentors, learn from them with pleasure, but test everything on their own experience, without taking words for granted. Hence the most important manifestation of balanced svadhishthana is self-confidence, coming from a sense of integrity, and confidence in the world around, generated by knowledge of one’s place in it.
People who have restrained their sexuality have great charisma. They express their thoughts clearly, their words are convincing and understandable.
They have a light hand - any of their activities give yield.
People with healthy svadhishthana are loved by animals, feeling safe around them. Insects do not bother them.
"Healthy" svadhishthana in men
One who daily thinks about svadhishthana becomes a master of love, to be adored by beautiful goddesses. He knows various shastras by heart, there is no science unknown to him. He becomes free from diseases, he moves boldly through the world, death is engrossed in him. He is not engrossed in anything, he overcomes forces of Siddhi, Vayu moves harmoniously through the body, abilities of the body and amount of nectar flowing from Soma Chakra increase.
Shiva Samhita
This quote is a great illustration of how the healthy chakra works in men.
By restraining svadhishthana, a man becomes above his passions. His willpower is unbreakable.
He is a man of affair.
He has no addictions, financial problems or health problems.
His attractiveness in eyes of women is high. Through such a man, it is possible to bring a highly developed soul into the world, so having such a partner is a great success.
Virabhadrasana - Warrior Pose
"Healthy" svadhishthana in women
Speaking about what svadhishthana is responsible for in women, it is worth mentioning healthy conception, easy pregnancy and safe childbirths.
Women with harmoniously advanced svadhishthana get the following qualities:
Openness in relationships, an ability to accept a partner with sincere care without manipulation and control.
- Youthful appearance.
- Enhancing of intuition, that is why svadhishthana is sometimes called “sacral chakra”.
- Calmness and balance, regardless of external circumstances.
Hanumanasana is a cross twine.
- Accumulated karma of past lives.
- Claims to one's own lineage.
- Regular repression of desires, internal prohibition of feelings.
- Emotional overload, disruption of sleep and wakefulness rhythms.
- Violating other people's personal boundaries, condemnation, gossip, rancor.
- Concern for one’s own comfort and appearance.
- Misuse of sex, abortion, taking contraceptives.
- Excessive love for sweets.
- Chasing for emotions.
Mechanism of imbalance of svadhishthana
- Chasing pleasant emotions wastes vital energy.
- The loss of vigor needs feeding, another stimulation.
- Constant stimulation dulls senses.
- One needs more and more vigor to get positive emotional experiences.
- Joy of life disappears, there is a feeling of guilt for excesses, pleasures get a taste of bitterness.
- In order to neutralize the guilt, condemnation is born - either of oneself or of others. Self-criticism leads to disappointment and shame. If negativity is directed outward, a person criticizes everyone around and takes offense at them.
- In order to drown out voice of conscience, a person becomes cynical, and an element of violence or masochism may appear in their “pleasures”.
- Discontent, offences, guilt and shame do not go away on their own. Being repressed and forgotten, they still manifest themselves in forms of anxiety and sudden mood swings.
- A vicious circle is formed: a chase for pleasure – guilt – condemnation – rudeness – depression – the next chase for a new object of feelings.
This is how addictions are born (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, gambling and gaming, addiction to gadgets and social networks, self-admiration, food addiction).
Without working with vital energy and without changing motivation, a person depletes him/herself and wastes body's resources.
Energy blockage occurs at the level of svadhishthana. However, distortions in its work lead to hormonal disruptions in physical body, mental disorders, distortions in subtle bodies.
The level of svadhishthana is the level of reptiles’ consciousness, to be their highest chakra. Perhaps this is another reason why svadhishthana is symbolized by a crocodile.
Specific qualities of a svadhishthana energy person are the hunting techniques inherent in a crocodile (reptile): cold mind, cunning, imagination. The proverb "to shed crocodile tears", meaning insincerity, also exists in the languages of India.
People of the svadhishthana level consciousness don't care about others. Their life depends solely on their mood. They remain children, regardless of age.
- The world of such people is divided into “I”, “ours” and “strangers”.
- They tend to get attached to people, so they take in a break in a relationship as a betrayal.
It is hard for them to deal with spontaneity, they like to plan and control everything.
They perceive everything emotionally and cannot restrain themselves.
- There is no coherence and logic in their thinking; it is more important for them to speak out, rather than the meaning of what was said. In a dispute, they quickly raise their voice and try to take over with emotions.
- They give promises with eases without keeping them.
- They appreciate material things above all else. It is important only immediate benefits.
- They identify themselves with physical body, pay a lot of attention to it, and love hugs.
- It is hard for them to cope with illnesses, they don't know how to take care of themselves, they rely on will of doctors. If a medicine doesn't help, they get offended.
- they are lack of initiative, good performers, love praise and encouragement.
- They treat the Lord as a consumer and have an opinion they can constantly beg him, and he is obliged to give them everything. If not, they get offended and angry.
- They are ardent defenders of "weak and wretched". They divide the world into good and evil, into aggressors and victims. However, they often cruelly persecute those who are considered aggressors.
Signs of blocked svadhishthana
- Despondency of svadhishthana is inability to pass vigor through this center.
- If the chakra is blocked, a person closes himself off from life experiences, is not ready to experience suffering, does not enter into any relationships, and does not live life to the fullest.
- Here is another name for svadhishthana - "the center of pain".
- It is the center of vulnerability. A person cannot feel anything if he is not ready to experience pain.
- One can recognize people with this chakra problems by constant feeling of anxiety, dissatisfaction, sudden mood swings, and inability to express their feelings.
- They don't understand what their vocation is. Self-realization scares them, so they are more willing to follow in the footsteps of others, to live someone else's life. They are easy to control, because they do not know what they want, they cannot express and defend their point of view.
- With insufficient activity of svadhishthana, a person experiences great difficulties in all areas of life - in creativity, in relationships, in learning, in health.
- Physical desires of such a person are blocked, he is untidy, poorly dressed, and saves on himself. Lack of energy in the second chakra creates a reluctance to accept material benefits. A person with a blocked svadhishthana refuses money for himself, of course, unconsciously. He feels that he doesn’t deserve more, so he works hard for pennies, “plays self-sacrifice for others sake”.
- If the second chakra is depressed, then a person hides this zone, a stoop in the lumbar spine is formed, in other words, kyphosis and clamp in the lower abdomen.
The following products help to activate svadhishthana:
- "Golden milk", honey.
- Orange fruits and vegetables.
- Spices: saffron, turmeric, mustard, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sesame, cumin.
- Drink enough water, avoid black tea and coffee.
Orange fruits and vegetables to activate svadhisthana-chakra
When svadhishthana is hyperactive, a person, on the contrary, experiences a lot of unsatisfied desires, a craving for culinary delights, expensive clothes, sexual satisfaction. He/She is prone to addiction to drugs, alcohol, and other stimulants.
The consciousness of such a person is restricted. He is unrestrained, painfully sensitive to everything around, envious, jealous, lustful. This person is not capable of compassion for others, is focused on him/herself and therefore capricious and suspicious.
If the second chakra is excited, then the lumbar spine bends and lordosis is formed, mobility of the pelvis increases, and the lower abdomen protrudes.
To calm the second chakra, you need to learn:
- to be meek;
- to control sensual desires and sexual attraction;
- abstinence in nutrition i.e., simple vegetarian food, minimum sweets, refusal of stimulants;
- to tryout drinking regime;
- to be regular in physical activity, sleep, and nutrition;
- to be ascetic.
How disharmony of svadhishthana manifests in women
- Not enough vital energy to share it.
- Making new acquaintances is a problem, it is difficult to establish personal life.
- Complexes form; there is disappointment in the opposite sex.
- Tendency to self-torture i.e., exhausting exercises, diets, plastic surgery.
- Everything perishes i.e., pets and plants get sick and die, creative projects fall apart before they even begin.
- Dishes turn out tasteless and an apartment becomes cluttered.
- Things, even expensive ones, look untidy like baubles.
Building humility to calm the svadhisthana chakra.
How disharmony of svadhishthana manifests in men
In men, problems with the sacral chakra lead to the same problems as in women. In addition, men with overactive or blocked svadhishthana:
- suffer from weak will;
- fear risk and avoid responsibility;
- unconsciously bypass ways of self-realization, following already known ones;
- are unable to defend their point of view;
- find it difficult to take on new projects and do not complete them;
- look unreliable in eyes of women.
You have already learned how to cleanse svadhishthana through nutrition, changing your routine and habits , but this is not enough.
Full development of the second chakra is inseparably linked with normal functioning of muladhara. That is why working on it is difficult.
A person will constantly be confronted with ego qualities such as anger, greed, passion, envy, laziness, doubt . This will be an obstacle to rise vigor higher.
It is extremely difficult to eradicate them completely. After all, evolution has given these qualities for the survival of physical body.
But at the same time, it is important for a soul that a person learns to control these base feelings, putting more elevated states of his psyche first.
To break vicious circle, you need to know the reasons of these qualities, an ability to notice their appearance, to analyze what is happening in time and change your reaction. In other words, you need to practice mindfulness.
Yoga helps with this.
Gomukhasana to harmonize svadhisthana-chakra.
- Asanas aimed at working out bends and inclinations.
- Asanas for the abdominal muscles.
- Yoga-mudra.
- Gomukhasana.
- Utkata Vajrasana.
- Viparita Karani-mudra.
- Padmasana.
Other yoga techniques for raising vital energy
- Varisara-dhauti (Shankha-prakshalana) i.e., purification of the digestive tract.
- Chanting of mantras (mantra "Om" and bija mantra VAM for svadhishthana).
- Reading spiritual literature.
- Kapalabhati.
- Uddiyana-bandha.
- Practicing pranayama with delays (for experienced practitioners).
The internet is overflowing with meditation techniques for opening svadhishthana.
However, remembering the insidious properties of this chakra, it is not recommended to perform any meditations without special training and personal instructions of a Master. This chakra can be easily perturbed by incorrect practices, and instead of desired effect of calming it down, one can get an opposite result - passions get out of control.
The only thing that is allowed, and will be beneficial to all without exception is analytical meditation i.e., observation of your own emotions.
A mindfulness practice that traces development of desires: how a desire originates, gains strength, gradually takes over consciousness, and how it fades away if it is not emotionally nourished.
In time, this practice will become a habit and it will be possible to get out from control of your own desires, to control vigor of svadhishthana at will.
Bends for svadhisthana-chakra workout
There is a concept according to which the next incarnation directly depends on wh ere a person's consciousness is at the moment of death.
The second chakra is connected with the animal world. If a person has been behaving like an animal all his life, thinking only about satisfying passions, most likely in the next life he will have to realize these habits in a corresponding body.
Nothing is given to people for free - for enjoyment, for a fun pastime, for empty entertainment. Everything is given by God for study, for improving soul, for self-knowledge, for working on oneself, for acquiring specific character qualities. If a person wastes his precious time on entertainment and pleasures, it means that he is skipping Earth school lessons and getting entangled in nets of Karma.
Alexander Boreev