Vishuddha chakra - fifth energy center, throat chakra
Sometimes people call the fifth chakra "the center of humanity." Above is the head, the divine, below is the body, animal instincts. It's a dangerous stretch on the path fr om animal to divine, the Kalin Bridge over the Currant River. You will know the reasons for this characteristics of Vishuddkha from the article.
The throat chakra is compared to the Grail cup i.e., a symbolic source of creative life. In the "sacral vessel" of Vishuddkha all energy-information flows of other chakras are accumulated, transforming into external manifestations of inner world of a person.
This energy center is the link between thoughts, desires, feelings, words and actions. Harmony at the level of vishuddkha frees from desires and emotions, leads to expansion of boundaries of consciousness and cessation of identification with mind and body. The process of getting rid of illusions and approaching the Absolute begins here.
Power of word increases (Vak Siddhi), everything said comes true. This may be why the vishuddkha chakra is called Bharatisthana ("the abode of Bharati, or Saraswati, the goddess of eloquence") in the Vedic texts. According to the Shiva Samhita, a person who has attained this level begins to understand the Vedas.
People of the fifth chakra give birth to creations those live for centuries. They become leaders of civilizations and shape the future.
Saraswati is the goddess of wisdom
What is the throat chakra responsible for
- Communication skills.
- Authenticity.
- Harmonicity.
- Persuasive speech.
- Ability to inspire, to mentor.
- Creativity.
- Contact with intuition.
In physical body is responsible for:
- for skin,
- organs of hearing,
- nose,
- mouth,
- breathing system,
- throat,
- neck.
The thyroid gland, which controls the balance of the nervous system, metabolism, muscle tone, and body temperature, is also regulated by Vishuddkha.
In men, Vishuddkha is responsible for the ability to assert their interests, to move towards the intended purpose. In women, vishuddkha is responsible for multitasking and pliability.
Persons who are able to see subtle plane indicate that the fifth chakra is located in the area of the seventh cervical vertebrae, at the level of throat.
They describe this center as an elliptical-shaped vortex located at thirty degree angle from the seventh vertebrae to the chin. The petals are located on the front side of the larynx, the stem descends from the back of the throat downward. The size ranges from 5 to 25 centimeters, depending on the degree of spiritual development.
Location of chakras in the human body
Vishuddkha: sanskrit translation
The name comes from the combination of two words:"visha" (poison) and "shuddhi" (purification, purity). Therefore, "vishuddhi" can be translated as completely purified, pure, free from vice. This is reflected in little known but significant functions of Vishuddkha:
- Cleansing of body and space on the subtle plane.
- Function of a filter that "cuts off" unnecessary realities and keeps a person attuned to one particular reality..
- Coming out from under the influence of illusory reality and embracing by consciousness of all existing realities (in the highest manifestation).
A legend has been preserved that Shiva drank the poison of "kalakuta" (illusion arising from the covering of reality by time) and, in order not to be poisoned, held it in his throat. This made his neck turn blue (blue is the color of Vishuddkha). Thus, the throat center is both a way to get "stuck" in illusions and a portal to liberation from them.
Vishuddkha: symbol
Blue lotus with sixteen petals. The petals are endowed with certain qualities (vritti), connected with energy channels and symbolize 8 mantras, 7 musical notes and Amrita:
- Pranava - OM mantra.
- Soma mantra - Guardian of the female Yin energy.
- Hum Mantra - Life-affirming power.
- Pham mantra - Responsible for higher speech.
- Vashat - The pursuit of worldly prosperity for all beings.
- Vaushat - Enlightenment, a scientific approach to life that motivates one to seek the truth and to impart knowledge to others.
- Namah mantra - Devotion to the higher will.
- Swaha Mantra. Ideas motivating for service.
- Amrita. A source of pleasing appearance.
- 10-16. Seven musical notes.
Physically, petals represent corresponding number of nerve connections in a nerve bundle (ganglion).
Another symbol of vishuddkha is a white elephant as an example of patience, resilience, and confidence. The elephant's ears symbolize hearing and the trunk symbolizes pure sound lifting consciousness upward.
Vishuddha symbol - white elephant as an example of patience, resilience, confidence
The throat chakra: attributes
- Emptiness, continuity, intangibility.
- Blue color.
- Shabda (sound).
- Communication, self-expression.
- Creativity.
- Wisdom.
- Faith.
Vishuddkha chakra: color
The color of Vishuddkha is described differently in different sources: blue, light blue, turquoise, sea wave color. Probably, color as well as size depends on the level of development of consciousness.
Vishuddkha: sound, or bija-mantra
Illustration of bija mantra HAM
The fifth chakra: element, tattva (element)
The basic element is space (ether, or akasha). It is a unified field of subtle vibrations. Tanmatra (subtle primal element) is shabda or presence of sound.
Vishuddkha is responsible for the sense of hearing
The throat center promotes self-expression through communication. With the help of the hearing organ and sense of hearing it provides the perception of sound.
Vishuddkha is associated with udana-vayu energy
At the pranic level Vishuddkha interacts with udana-vayu located in the neck region. This energy, making upward currents, makes possible the pronunciation of sounds. The organs of action which vishuddkha is responsible for (vocal cords and mouth) help this process.
Chakra activation
Vishuddkha develops between 15 and 21 years old. The process pauses from here. If one wants to continue to grow spiritually, the work purifying inner world is required. Methods to facilitate this are suggested near by the end of the article.
Vishuddkha’s yantra is a circle with 16 smoky purple petals. In the circle there is a blue inverted triangle containing a small white circle with a silver crescent moon and a golden HAM mantra inside. The silver crescent moon is a symbol of pure cosmic sound - the manifested Logos.
One of the variants of the Vishuddha chakra yantra image is a lotus and Panchavaktra Shiva seated on it. Author: Abhishek Singh
- Leadership abilities, charisma, strength of personality.
- Eloquence, an ability to influence others with words.
- An ability to listen and hear.
- Advanced intuition.
- Moderation, simplicity in living.
- Clarity of thinking.
- Interest in ancient wisdom, in knowledge of a higher reality.
- Decisiveness, courage.
- Autonomy.
When Vishuddkha is active, everything happening around you will not matter, will not affect you anymore.
Reasons for blocking
- Lies, deceit.
- Unbalanced thinking, arguing.
- Turbulent emotions, violation of principlesyama и niyama.
- Unspoken grievances, disappointment.
- Reluctance to make contacts with the outside world, excessive concentration on oneself.
- Lack of or insufficient rest.
- Condemnation of spiritual movements and mentors.
- Insults, mockery, sarcasm.
Signs of blocking at the behavioral level
- Lethargy, weakness in expressing thoughts, lack of motivation.
- Laziness, apathy, reluctance to do anything.
- Shyness, suppression of emotions, prohibition of joy.
- Unfit for life.
- Voice problems, speech defects, tongue-tie speech. Aggressive manner of communication, offensive language.
- Insecurity, anxiety.
- Fear of other people's opinions and public speaking. Fear of not living up to trust.
- Fear of responsibility.
- Acute reaction to criticism.
- Inability to create.
- Loss of connection with reality. Living on the edge of fiction and reality: consciousness does not want to descend into a "dull", uninteresting reality. Immersion into virtual world, in reveries.
- Mimicry, unexpressed person.
- Misunderstanding of causes and effects.
Signs of blockage at the health level
- Throat diseases, thyroid diseases.
- Sleep disturbances, appetite disorders.
- Respiratory system diseases.
- Neck mobility disorder.
- Dental problems, bruxism.
- Hearing disorder.
- Allergic reactions, low immunity.
Persistent expressions related to the throat chakra and its blocks: "lump in throat", "step on throat", "words stuck in throat", "fed up".
It's important to be honest to yourself:
- To live in such a way that thoughts, desires, words and actions do not contradict each other.
- Stop imitating society, follow your own path, listen to your inner voice.
- To learn to express ideas openly.
How to balance the chakra work
- Talk less about yourself, listen more.
- Avoid sarcasm, cynicism, swearing, ridicule. Do not participate in scandals.
- Forgive offenses, release guilt..
- Do not condemn spiritual movements and Gurus.
- Stop smoking.
- Do not clog the ether with unnecessary and harmful information. Reduce to zero watching TV, media, news feeds.
- Take part in charity and volunteer projects.
- Develop communicative skills.
- Work on speech.
- Contemplate or visualize blue color. Light blue/blue items in an interior and closet.
- Contemplate rain, water, sky in clear weather.
- Get regular rest.
- Not to be attached to resultы in creativity.
- Practice the yogic technique of Danta-dhauti cleansing (brushing teeth, tongue, ears) and throat cleansing (gargles, inhalations with natural herbs or sea salt).
Practices to harmonize Vishuddkha
- Ujjayi-pranayama.
- Yoga Asanas (Sarvangasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Ushtrasana, Majiryasana).
- Throat lock (Jalandhara-bandha).
Chanting and listening to mantras
The most effective is the OM mantra. The whole world is a single harmonious sound of all living beings, and OM mantra connects to this flow of sound.
HAM is also a suitable mantra. Chanting this syllable along with visualization of golden light in the throat area changes quality of speech. Voice becomes melodious and inspiring.
SO-HAM. It is translated as "I am". Chanting "so" on the inhalation and "ham" on the exhalation, one feels unity with the Earth, the Universe, God. Consciousness becomes crystal clear.
Chanting and listening to mantras to harmonize vishuddha
1. Contemplation of the yantra
- Meditative pose with straight back.
- Place the image at eye level, at a distance of about a meter.
- Take some time to study the yantra. First - the whole image, and then - the details.
- As soon as your eyes are tired, cover them and start visualizing the yantra: general background, small details.
- Do practice for 10 to 30 minutes.
2. Visualization of the chakra
- Meditative pose with straight back and eyes closed.
- A few cycles of calm, steady breathing.
- Draw attention to the throat area.
- Imagine a 16-petaled blue lotus blooming there.
- Examine its shape, size, sensation in the neck area.
- Recommended duration is between 10 to 30 minutes.
3. Concentration on the primary element - the ether
Sitting in a meditative pose with closed eyes, imagine pure shining color of sea wave.
“If realization of the vishuddkha is attained by a practitioner and is held by the power of pranayama, the yogi attains the ability of svara vijnana (knowledge of sound). If chitta can be controlled to focus it on this chakra, the practitioner will lose all thoughts of this world, become capable to see the divine paratman in all the radiance of the light of the inner self. If you control fluctuations of the mind and come to the realization of this chakra using the power of kumbhaka, you will be kept young and full of energy”.
Sitting in a meditative pose with eyes closed, imagine the pure shining color of the sea wave
Vishuddkha forms the level of human mental i.e., personal, self-reflective “I am” consciousness. A person creates his or her reality through thoughts and words emitted by them. It is a voluntary choice, so each person is the cause of their own destiny. So vishuddkha is also connected with the causal (karmic) plan.
If a person is still far from harmony, he will not be able to trace that the cause of everything that happens to him today is his/her thoughts, words and actions in the past. After all, the process of forming and holding on "one's world" continues after death, too: in which reality the consciousness resides at the moment of death, that's wh ere the dying person goes.
The Vishuddkha filter, on the one hand, protects the subjective reality of a person formed by him/her (which is necessary at a certain stage). On the other hand - it makes one a prisoner of its limited reality, prevents from reconsidering own narrow views.
When the chakra is in harmony, there is an ability to trace cause-and-effect relationships, to see for yourself how the law of karma works. It becomes possible to choose the reality of your choice: to be in a more positive reality now and to reincarnate into better worlds after death.
Most people have Vishuddkha closed. This is due to previously accumulated karma. But trying to open the throat center early means finding yourself on a red-hot Kalin Bridge without proper power. Kalin Bridge symbolizes the boundary between good and evil: one can both rise to spiritual heights and fall into abyss of passions.
The chakra unblocking should not be forced. Because when vishuddkha opens, it gives strength and temptation also comes with it. The probability that a person, fascinated by discovered superpowers, will stray from the spiritual path is high. Therefore, it is important to move along a path of self-development cautiously, guided by the wisdom of ancient knowledge, Guru's instructions and common sense.
Before opening Vishuddkha, one must learn to overcome one's own limitations, give back karmic debts, and begin to perfect oneself in yama and niyama.